At it again.
According to Kanye Spike Lee, Hollywood executives are the only ones making money off of African-American actors, such as Denzel Washington.
I don't know, according to Forbes' Top 100 Celebrities, he is ranked #31 in terms of cash earned. Denzel is probably worth more than most 'executives' in Hollywood. I know that Oprah sure is, ranked #2 behind George Lucas. Not too shabby, if you ask me.
Polly Delaney over at the Hollywood Reporter points out something interesting.
African Americans may not be in control of Hollywood, but they sure 'wield' some power in other arenas.
"They'll make a movie with Denzel [Washington], Jamie [Foxx] and Eddie [Murphy], but only because they can make money off them.
I don't know, according to Forbes' Top 100 Celebrities, he is ranked #31 in terms of cash earned. Denzel is probably worth more than most 'executives' in Hollywood. I know that Oprah sure is, ranked #2 behind George Lucas. Not too shabby, if you ask me.
Polly Delaney over at the Hollywood Reporter points out something interesting.
"I don't think African-Americans wield nearly as much clout in Hollywood as they wield in other disciplines," says public radio and talk show host Tavis Smiley, citing Merrill Lynch chairman and CEO Stan O'Neal, American Express chairman and CEO Ken Chenault, Time Warner chairman and CEO Richard Parsons, the members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as examples.
African Americans may not be in control of Hollywood, but they sure 'wield' some power in other arenas.