Liberalwood Washington, D.C. Limey's Wurzburg, GE Tikrit, Iraq
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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mommy, can I kill that one?

I don't have the webpage-building savvy that Zinga has, so bear with me through this post til Zinga comes and cleans it up - which may be a while as he is preparing to redeploy.

I recently ran across three articles that got me thinking. The first is an article that said that 45% of Iraqis back insurgent attacks on coalition forces.

Not surprising in a culture as violent as Iraq's. This morning the janitor who works in the palace, a likeable young man named Mazim, came into my office to mop the floor. I said, "Shukran" or "Thank you", and he said "You're welcome" in arabic. Then he said in English, "To praise God", to which I responded, "Allah Akbar". He got excited and said in English, "God is big" and to which I said, "Allah Igwaah". He propped the mop on the wall, spread his arms and said in English, "God is big. You understand? God is big and can kill every people in America." He seemed to immediately realize this was rude, and in usual hospitable Iraqi fashion, added, "And every people in Iraq." I say this to point out a cultural difference. When I was little, I was taught God's greatness in terms of love and strength. God can move mountains. God's love is endless. That kind of thing. I was almost startled by the spiteful, thuggish God Mazim portrayed, and nervously giggled in response.

So the affinity with violence didn't stun me. Besides, I am American, not Swiss. It's part of our culture. But what does stun me is that these insurgents that they are supporting kill approximately 500% more Iraqis each year than coalition forces (CF). Further, Iraqis are far more likely to die at the hands of insurgents than CF. I take this from an Iraqi, not American media-- American media doesn't run stories such as these. For those too lazy to click the link, I will give you the gist of it: Insurgents have killed a reported 4,308 Iraqis so far this year. That's just what's been reported. Frankly, I am surprised it is so low.

Here's something else I found in Iraqi media, describing an incident in which some Halliburton (KBR) employees were killed in Ad Diluiyah:
"At least two of the men were dragged alive from their vehicle, which had been badly shot up, and forced to kneel in the road before being killed.... Killing one of the men with a rifle round fired into the back of his head, they doused the other with petrol and set him alight.... Barefoot children, yelping in delight, piled straw on to the screaming man's body to stoke the flames."

The scene described in reminicent of the murder of four Blackwater employees in Fallujah in 2004. In this case, their burnt bodies were strung up on an overpass, where they were battered like pinatas - by children.

Associated Press quoted Muslim clerics commenting on the disgraceful video footage of American soldiers burning Taliban bodies:

"Abu Ghraib ruined the reputation of the Americans in Iraq and to me this is even worse," Faiz Mohammed told The Associated Press from northern Kunduz province. "This is against Islam. Afghans will be shocked by this news. It is so humiliating. There will be very, very dangerous consequences from this."

"The burnings of these bodies is an offense against Muslims everywhere. Bodies are only burned in hell." - Said Mohammed Omar"

Sunday, October 09, 2005

"Kill Whitey"

Over at Disinfo, they cover this series of monthly hip-hop parties called Kill Whitey in Williamsburg.
''Kill Whitey' is the name given to a series of monthly hip-hop themed parties staged in Williamsburg for large groups of wealthy, white hipsters too frightened to darken the door of real hip-hop clubs at which they might actually run into a real, live black person.' -Brainwashed article.

Check out the full Brainwashed article here. Reminds me of Office Space...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Phil "Quickdraw" McGraw

Well, quickdraw with a fork anyway. It's like taking financial advice from someone who went Bankrupt. Or getting a haircut from a bald guy.

It seems as if Dr. Phil's diet plan isn't working. A national class-action law suit is being filed claiming that Dr. Phil's weightloss plan is bogus.
Unhappy dieters told CNN Radio that after listening to McGraw [Dr. Phil], they believed they could lose weight by taking the pills alone.

Morons. They conveniently did not read this:
...The plan also advised dieters to adopt a low-calorie diet and to exercise.

I believe every weight-loss supplement has this caveat. They do not deserve their money back. Maybe they should invest their cash into English 101 instead...

Read on.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Israel bans human shields

This article over at CNN states that Irsael banned the use of human shields, most commonly used when raiding homes. Personally, I think that it's a great idea. If there is something in that home that is designed to intentionally injure, kill or mame...more often than not, the detained will not want to enter the building. Unless of course, he/she wishes to be a martyr.

"No one among the civilian population should be 'volunteered' to cooperate with the army," wrote Judge Aharon Barak. "The central tenet is that it is mandatory to distance innocent local residents from the area of the hostile actions." - Isreali Panel

Protecting innocent civilians is one issue...but an insurgent/terrorist is a combatant. Not an innocent civilian. The use of human shields in the end saves innocent lives. In any event, it's unfortunate that the ruling has been handed more human shields in Israel.

Moment of Silence

I would like to have a moment of silence, for my Boston Red Sox are on the brink, yet again, of being eliminated. Although the series is headed to Boston, if they win two, they have to play Game 5 in Chicago. Happy thoughts...happy thoughts...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Soapbox BS

This article over at titled "US Soldiers - ON VIDEO - in Iraq, Raping Children . . . Mad Yet?" is quite...well, dumb.

I'm here to say that (in case you did not already know) the military took the photo's of detainees being humiliated seriously. What do you think would happen if videos depicting PROOF of US soldiers raping women and children (and even sodomizing boys) were released to the media? The rest of the pictures that will be released are more pictures from Abu Ghraib Prison...not of soldiers raping and sodomizing.

Fixing this problem is your responsibility. Don't call yourself a citizen unless you're working hard every single day to make this stop. Cause you aren't a citizen. You're a traitor to everything this country has ever stood for... - by Chickenshit afraid to sign his/her name.

The nimrod that wrote that article needs to be banished to a remote island used for nuclear testing. Good job, moron...real good job.

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