Soapbox BS
This article over at titled "US Soldiers - ON VIDEO - in Iraq, Raping Children . . . Mad Yet?" is quite...well, dumb.
I'm here to say that (in case you did not already know) the military took the photo's of detainees being humiliated seriously. What do you think would happen if videos depicting PROOF of US soldiers raping women and children (and even sodomizing boys) were released to the media? The rest of the pictures that will be released are more pictures from Abu Ghraib Prison...not of soldiers raping and sodomizing.
The nimrod that wrote that article needs to be banished to a remote island used for nuclear testing. Good job, moron...real good job.
I'm here to say that (in case you did not already know) the military took the photo's of detainees being humiliated seriously. What do you think would happen if videos depicting PROOF of US soldiers raping women and children (and even sodomizing boys) were released to the media? The rest of the pictures that will be released are more pictures from Abu Ghraib Prison...not of soldiers raping and sodomizing.
Fixing this problem is your responsibility. Don't call yourself a citizen unless you're working hard every single day to make this stop. Cause you aren't a citizen. You're a traitor to everything this country has ever stood for... - by Chickenshit afraid to sign his/her name.
The nimrod that wrote that article needs to be banished to a remote island used for nuclear testing. Good job, moron...real good job.