Liberalwood Washington, D.C. Limey's Wurzburg, GE Tikrit, Iraq
00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00

Friday, February 24, 2006

AFF Happy Hour

NK, D.W. Eifert and myself attended an AFF Happy Hour last night here in DC above the Pour House. It was a great time and we met a ton of very interesting like-minded individuals.

Definitely looking forward to the next one...

Jailed for insult.

A 61 year-old German man in Duesseldorf, Germany, was convicted for insulting Islam. He printed the word "Koran" on toilet paper and offered it to mosques, claiming the Koran is a 'cookbook for terrorists'. He was sentenced to a year in prison. The maximum sentence in Germany for insulting religious beliefs under the German penalty code is three years.

Germany doesn't joke around with this sort of stuff. It's actually illegal to own a copy of Hitler's famed, "Mein Kampf", as a resident, which should make D.W. Eifert a happy man.

Mazeltoff, D.W.

Monday, February 20, 2006

No sense.

Someone please explain this to me.

How can we federalize airport security, yet privatize port security? Not making any sense. I watched this congressman (cannot remember his name) make a great point. He questioned if President Bush would privatize his Secret Service detail. Answer: probably not. So why put the rest of America at risk by giving the contract to a country that had proven links to 9/11 terrorists. You know, it's one thing to privatize security. It's another to privatize it to a country such as the UAE. I just don't understand.

At it again.

According to Kanye Spike Lee, Hollywood executives are the only ones making money off of African-American actors, such as Denzel Washington.
"They'll make a movie with Denzel [Washington], Jamie [Foxx] and Eddie [Murphy], but only because they can make money off them.

I don't know, according to Forbes' Top 100 Celebrities, he is ranked #31 in terms of cash earned. Denzel is probably worth more than most 'executives' in Hollywood. I know that Oprah sure is, ranked #2 behind George Lucas. Not too shabby, if you ask me.

Polly Delaney over at the Hollywood Reporter points out something interesting.
"I don't think African-Americans wield nearly as much clout in Hollywood as they wield in other disciplines," says public radio and talk show host Tavis Smiley, citing Merrill Lynch chairman and CEO Stan O'Neal, American Express chairman and CEO Ken Chenault, Time Warner chairman and CEO Richard Parsons, the members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as examples.

African Americans may not be in control of Hollywood, but they sure 'wield' some power in other arenas.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The white Eminem.

Kanye is at it again. Now he thinks that he should be a "character" in the bible.
"I changed the sound of music more than one time... For all those reasons, I'd be a part of the Bible. I'm definitely in the history books already. - Kanye West"

Good job, Kanye, good job.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sheehan vs. Feinstein?

The San Francisco Chronicle makes mention of Cindy possibly running against Diane Feinstein in the June Democratic Primary. Ought to be a interesting, to say the least.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nothing against Islam, but...

Blame who?


Over at The Drudge Report, an article states that experts believe that the television show CSI is to blame for 'smarter' murderers (oxymoron anyone?) I personally do not agree, but let me play devil's advocate for a second (debate mode). If you are going the length to blame CSI, you need to blame the A&E shows like Cold Case Files and The First 48. Those shows are worse than CSI, for they are, what we like to call, real. This argument would provide more cannon fodder than the CSI one.

On the flip side...
"People are getting more sophisticated with making sure they're not leaving trace evidence at crime scenes," - Chuck Morrow, chief of the criminal division in the Trumbull County Prosecutor's office.

This has little do to with watching CSI (which I personally do not). It's a form of evolution. If you happen to notice that more and more idiots are getting caught in their murders, then obviously changes need to be made...and they are. Simple internet searches nowadays reveal anything; you do not have to watch CSI to find out that bleach destroys DNA.

"Most people who commit crimes are not very bright and don't take many precautions," Pozner said. "CSI and all the other crime shows will make no difference." - Larry Pozner, former president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.


PS - I blame Leftside.

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